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네이버 전문자료
Electric vehicles in China: BYD strategies and government subsidies
AbstractCentral and local governments in China are investing heavily in the development of Electric Vehicles. Businesses and governmen
Innovation Model Analysis of New Energy Vehicles: Taking Toyota, Tesla and BYD as an Example
AbstractAs one of seven strategic emerging industries, new energy vehicle industry has great significance in China's economic growth a
BYD Ameliorates Oxidative Stress-Induced Myocardial Apoptosis in Heart Failure Post-Acute Myocar
Aim: Heart failure (HF) post-acute myocardial infarction (AMI) contributes to increasing mortality and morbidity worldwide. Baoyuan de
A Study on BYD`s Ups and Downs: Strategy of BYD and Institutional Factor for Electric Vehicle of
Recently the interest on BYD`s ups and downs is more and more growing at stock market. BYD began the automobile making business by acq
Innovation in the Local Context: A Case Study of BYD in China
In this paper, we have used the case of build your dream (BYD) to examine firm innovation in the context of China. From a historical p
A study on the corporate culture of BYD
The main battlefield of ‘made in China 2025’ proposed by the Chinese government is the deep integration of industrialization and i
Technology Development Path of Electric Vehicle (EV) Frontiers: Case Analysis on BYD, Geely & Te
The release of Tesla Model 3 got a hot response of market, and it made EV as the most potential candidate to change the industry parad
Development of RT-LAMP and real-time RT-PCR assays for the rapid detection of the new duck Tembu
AbstractA new duck Tembusu virus (TMUV), also known as BYD virus, has been identified as the causative agent for the emerging duck egg
Enterprise Value Evaluation of the BYD Company Based on FCFF Model
Objectively assessing the value of an enterprise is especially important for enterprises. It can not only help the external investors
Enterprise Value Evaluation of the BYD Company Based on FCFF Model
Objectively assessing the value of an enterprise is especially important for enterprises. It can not only help the external investors
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